
Prof. Ilja Scheps

International Musicakademy Anton Rubinstein, Dusseldorf; Cologne University of Music

This masterclass took part in the past. Take a look at our list of upcoming masterclasses.
Course services

Individual lessons (open to the public)

Providing certificates of completion of the course.

Course location

Wendenstrasse 255, 20537 Hamburg, Germany

About Prof. Ilja Scheps

“…his rich experience in teaching turns Mr. Ilja Scheps into an ideal case of “pianista doctus”. Worth mentioning is moreover the background of his professional life: the great Russian Piano School. Every university who beneficiates of his help should be congratulated.”

(Prof. Dr. h. c. mult. Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau)

Ilja Scheps completed his studies at the Moscow  "P. I. Tschaikowsky" Conservatory under Prof. Lev Vlassenko and Prof. Evgenij Schenderowitch.

From 1982 to 1992 I. Scheps was soloist of the Moscow Philharmonic Society. He gave concerts with orchestras and solo recitals and also appearing as accompanist of renowned singers and instrumentalists there. This resulted in his acquiring a large repertoire, including works by Bach, Mozart, Beethoven, Chopin, Debussy, Skrjabin, Prokofjeff and Tschaikowsky, as well those by Schnittke, Silvestrov and Denisov.

At the same time I. Scheps taught at the Moscow “P. I. Tschaikowsky” Conservatory.

From 1992 I. Scheps lives in Germany. Besides his performing in many countries round of the world he is an enthusiastic pedagogue.  Many years I. Scheps was a professor at the Rostock Music University and at the Darmstadt Music Academy.

Now he is a professor of the Musikhochschule in Cologne/Aachen (Cologne Music University).  Students of Prof. Scheps are winner of important international piano competitions so as exclusive artists of “Sony” and “Universal” Records.

I. Scheps also conducts workshops and master classes at the international music academies and as a visiting professor in many universities all over the world and since 2017 Professor of Music Academy in Brescia (Italy).  

Prof. Scheps was invited as a honour professor to give master classes in Beijing Central Conservatory as well Shanghai, Tianjin and Sichuan Conservatories of Music in China. Since more than ten years Prof. Scheps is visiting Professor in Shenzhen Arts School as well in Central Conservatory of Music Gulangyu Piano School in Xiamen.

Prof. Scheps is a jury member of some most important international piano competitions – Shenzhen Int. Piano Concerts Competition (China), “Top of the World” and “Grieg” Int. Piano Competition (Norway), “Chopin” Int. Piano Competition in Darmstadt (Germany), Int. Piano Competition in Madrid (Spain), Scriabin Int. Piano Competition in Grosseto (Italy) and many others.

Prof. I. Scheps is a Jury-Chairman of MOZARTE (former “Prix Amadeo”) International Piano Competition in Aachen (Germany).

Ilja Scheps has recorded more than 10 CDs with “MCA” (USA); “Le Chant du Monde” (France), “Melodia” (Russia),  “Coriolan/Teldec”, “Deutsche Welle”, “ECM-Records”, CPO (Germany).

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