
Prof. Benjamin Bergmann

Hochschule für Musik Mainz and Johannes Gutenberg Universität Mainz

This masterclass took part in the past. Take a look at our list of upcoming masterclasses.
Course services

Individual lessons (open to the public)
An accompanist
Public performance

Course location

Villa Rahlstedt
Paalende 24, 22149 Hamburg, Germany

About Prof. Benjamin Bergmann

Benjamin Bergmann
„Let the music create you“
Philosophy: Feel the music in your fingers and your heart. Discover the specific sound color of each composer, the architecture of a musical work, its melodic, rhythmic, harmonic and form structure, always tied to the Urtext, not inventing, but fulfilling the given shape. Share your emotions that originate in the music through your playing – joy, enthusiasm, doubts - , your inspiration, spirituality, vitality, corporeality, sound aesthetics in communication with your musical partners, acoustics and audience. Search for the appropriate vibrato shading (accented, continuous, epic-broad, lyric-light, dramatic-tight…), apply the requested intonation system (based on harmonics, pythagorean or equally tempered like the piano), look for the right phrasing, articulation, dynamics, meter, agogics, stylistics, develop a sense for the energy flow of the music, the change of characters and thus enrich your musical experience and technical knowledge.

Biography: Born in Stuttgart 1967, raised as a violinist by Prof. Hedwig Pahl (Precollege HfM Trossingen), scholarship of the Arnold Dannenmann-Foundation of the CJD for a year of studies in New York with Rony Rogoff, the violin soloist of Sergiu Celibidache and student of Galamian, being introduced to Celibidaches music phenomenology and Galamians violin technique. Diploma with distinction with Helmut Zehetmair (Mozarteum Salzburg), postgraduate studies with Felix Andrievsky (Royal College London) and violin legend Ruggiero Ricci (Salzburg). For many years assistant teacher of Zehetmair at the Mozarteum Salzburg, appointed violin professor at the Hochschule für Musik Mainz in 2005. Teaching award of the Johannes Gutenberg Universität Mainz in 2014.
Performed the basic repertory as a soloist with orchestras from Austria and Germany, for ten years concert master of chamber orchestra Salzburger Musici, numerous chamber music concerts in many formations with distinct musical partners in Europe and Asia. Radio- and TV-recordings for ORF, SWR, WDR, NHK and CCTV. CD-productions with violin concertos by Mozart, Brahms and Chausson.

Important publications: Systematische Violintechnik in six volumes B. Bergmann / H. Zehetmair: Systematische Violintechnik – Die Bausteine des Violinspiels,
Band 1 – 6, Schott Music, ED 21161 – 21166

Fit in 15 Minutes – Warm ups and Essential Exercises (Deutsch und Englisch) Bergmann: Fit in 15 Minuten – Warm ups und Basisübungen für Violine, Schott Music, ED 22315. Englische Übersetzung: Marlene Crone.


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